Die WHO empfiehlt einen Malaria-Impfstoff
Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation empfahl am Montag den Einsatz eines zweiten Malaria-Impfstoffs, um die lebensbedrohliche Krankheit, die von einigen Mücken auf den Menschen übertragen wird, einzudämmen.
AstraZeneca zahlt $425m zur Beilegung des Nexium- und Prilosec-Streits in den USA
British drugmaker AstraZeneca said Tuesday it will pay $425 million to settle product liability litigation against the prescription-only acid reflux drug Nexium and heartburn drug
Sanofi einigt sich mit Janssen auf die Entwicklung eines E.-coli-Impfstoffs
Sanofi announced that it had reached an agreement with Janssen to develop and commercialise a vaccine candidate against extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli. Under the terms
US-Richter weigert sich, Medicare daran zu hindern, über Arzneimittelpreise zu verhandeln
The US government’s Medicare health insurance programme may begin negotiating prices for some prescription drugs this autumn under a new programme, reaffirming one of President
Frankreich beginnt mit der Impfung gegen die Vogelgrippe
France began vaccinating ducks against bird flu to try to curb the virus that has killed millions of birds worldwide, a move that prompted the
Die FDA verweigert die Zulassung des Medikaments Eli Lilly zur Behandlung von Ekzemen
The US Food and Drug Administration has refused to approve an Eli Lilly drug to treat a type of skin disease because of certain findings
Idaho kann in medizinischen Notfällen ein Abtreibungsverbot durchsetzen
Idaho can fully enforce its near-total ban on abortion after a US appeals court lifted a lower court order that had partially blocked it. A
Ungefähr 1,8 Millionen Amerikaner haben letzte Woche COVID-Injektionen erhalten
About 1.8 million Americans received the COVID-19 vaccine in the week ending 22 September, according to data compiled by health data and analytics firm IQVIA
Johnson & Johnson drängte darauf, den Zugang zu Tuberkulosemedikamenten zu verbessern
Global health aid agency Unitaid has written to Johnson & Johnson CEO Joaquin Duato, urging him to take “immediate action” to expand access to the
RCL Foods hat aufgrund eines Vogelgrippe-Ausbruchs 410.000 Hühner getötet
South Africa’s RCL Foods said on Thursday its Rainbow poultry division had slaughtered 410,000 chickens due to the country’s worst-ever bird flu outbreak, fuelling fears