Greek prime minister warns of dangerous summer for wildfires
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis warned that the country faces a dangerous summer for forest fires, with prolonged drought and unusually strong winds. Forest fires
New fuel restrictions for Arctic ships insufficient, environmentalists say
Ships sailing in Arctic waters will no longer be allowed to use or carry heavy fuel oil, according to a United Nations maritime agency regulation.
Die Vereinten Nationen rufen „Alarmstufe Rot“ aus, da die Welt im Jahr 2023 Hitzewellenrekorde brechen wird
All major global climate records were broken last year and 2024 could be even worse, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said on Tuesday, with its
Thailand plant, Maisimporte aus Nachbarländern wegen Kontamination zu verbieten
Thailand plans to ban corn imports from neighbouring countries due to crop burning causing air pollution, an official said Wednesday. The ban would not violate
Die Dürre lässt Chiles Trinkwasser austrocknen
After 15 years of devastating drought, Chile’s reservoirs are drying up, threatening access to drinking water in the country. The Cogoti reservoir in the Coquimbo
Indien steht vor einer sommerlichen Wasserkrise
India’s major reservoirs have reached their lowest levels in five years in March, indicating a possible reduction in the availability of drinking water and electricity
Zentralbanken nutzen KI zur Bewertung von Klimarisiken
Central banks said they have broken new ground by using artificial intelligence to gather data to assess climate-related financial risks. The banks said their Gaia
Rechtsextreme Gruppen verklagen die USA wegen der Auswirkungen von Offshore-Windenergie auf Wale
Three far-right groups sued the Biden administration over the approval of a wind project off the coast of Virginia, alleging it failed to consider the
Argentinisches Gericht stoppt neue Bergbaugenehmigungen aus Umweltgründen
An Argentinean court in the province of Catamarca has suspended the granting of new mining permits, demanding that new environmental impact studies be carried out
Landwirte und Ölförderer in Alberta müssen sich auf Wasserknappheit einstellen
The drought in the Canadian province of Alberta is now in its fourth year, and farmers and oil companies are bracing for water restrictions that