Der Gesetzgeber verschiebt die Entscheidung über den neuen EU-Chef für Klimapolitik
The European Parliament’s environment committee postponed a decision on whether to accept former Dutch foreign minister Wopke Hoekstra as the next EU climate change policymaker
Aufgrund von El Niño ist der Monsunregen in Indien auf den niedrigsten Stand seit fünf Jahren gefallen
Monsoon rainfall in India this year was the lowest since 2018 as El Niño weather conditions made August the driest in more than a century,
EU startet erste Phase des weltweit ersten CO2-Grenzzolls
The European Union launched the first phase of the world’s first-ever system of imposing CO2 tariffs on imported steel, cement and other goods on Sunday
Klimapolitiker treffen sich vor der COP 28
Spanish Energy Minister Teresa Ribera opened a meeting of energy ministers and climate leaders from around the world in Madrid. Ribera warned that the COP28
Die Überschwemmung in New York führt zu Sturzfluten und Chaos
Torrential downpours following a week of steady rainfall caused flash flooding in New York, disrupting underground service, flooding ground-level flats and turning some streets into
Bolivien leidet unter Wasserknappheit, da die Hitzewelle im Winter zu Dürre führt
A prolonged drought in Bolivia and one of the hottest winters on record threaten to leave parts of the South American country without water, including
Der Mississippi nähert sich Rekordtiefs, Getreideexporte sind gefährdet
A key stretch of the lower Mississippi River dropped this week to within inches of its lowest level ever, and is expected to remain near
Die Schweizer Gletscher verloren in den schlimmsten zwei Jahren seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen 10% ihres Volumens
Swiss glaciers experienced their second worst melt this year after record losses in 2022, reducing their total volume by 10 per cent in the past
Heftiger Regen hat den Norden Vietnams heimgesucht
Heavy rain caused by a tropical depression lashed northern and north-central Vietnam, causing flooding that halted traffic in Hanoi’s capital and triggered landslide warnings on
Brasilien richtet eine Task Force zur Bekämpfung der Dürre im Amazonasgebiet ein
Brazil’s government is setting up a task force to provide emergency aid to people in the Amazon region hit by a severe drought that has