Fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacude zonas fronterizas de Kirguistán y Xinjiang
Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacudió una región fronteriza entre Kirguistán y Xinjiang el martes, y se informó de varios heridos y derrumbes de casas, informaron los medios estatales de China.
El noreste de Australia se prepara para su segundo ciclón en un mes
A tropical low in the Coral Sea is likely to develop into a cyclone and hit northeast Australia later this week, the Bureau of Meteorology
Sube a 20 el número de muertos por alud de tierra en China
El número de muertos por un deslizamiento de tierra en la provincia china de Yunnan aumentó a 20 el martes por la tarde mientras los rescatistas luchaban contra temperaturas gélidas y nieve para encontrar
La tormenta Isha ha afectado a los servicios turísticos y energéticos en todo el Reino Unido
Britain’s rail network was disrupted, flights were cancelled and thousands of homes were left without power after storm Isha hit the country overnight. Scotland was
La Marina de los EE. UU. dice que dos Navy SEAL desaparecidos en el Golfo de Adén han muerto
Two U.S. Navy SEALs who went missing in the Gulf of Aden earlier this month during a raid on an Iranian weapons boat were not
Más de 100 vuelos cancelados en el aeropuerto de Dublín debido a la tormenta
Airlines cancelled 102 flights to or from Dublin Airport due to a storm that raged through Monday. Storm Isha had also forced 24 aborted landings,
Australia sufre una ola de calor que aumenta el riesgo de incendios forestales
Large parts of Australia were again hit by an increasingly intense heatwave, which national forecasters said increased the risk of bushfires in an already high-risk
Instan al Ejército a rescatar a unos 600 automovilistas españoles atrapados en la nieve
Army units have been mobilised to help some 600 drivers who were stuck on motorways due to heavy snowfall caused by storm Juan in many
El mortal clima invernal mantiene un dominio helado en gran parte de EE. UU.
Winter storms and severe cold weather that has gripped much of the United States in recent days with deadly consequences are expected to persist through
Restringido el consumo de agua en el Algarve portugués
Portugal’s caretaker government has ordered cuts in the amount of water used to irrigate farmland and urban environments in the southern Algarve region, where a