La sequía en las llanuras reducirá la cosecha de trigo de EE.UU.
A worsening drought in the US Southern Plains is threatening the region’s winter wheat crop. Some farmers in southwestern Kansas have not received significant rain
Europa ha comenzado a volver al combustible más “sucio”
Against the backdrop of European attempts to reduce dependence on Russian gas, the region is increasingly beginning to switch to coal generation. Although prices for
Un fuerte terremoto azotó la costa de Indonesia
A powerful earthquake struck off the west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra early Monday morning and was strongly felt in some areas, including
China critica a empresas por falsificar datos de carbono
As part of the country’s efforts to improve data quality, China’s environment ministry has criticized companies for falsifying carbon data, as it prepares to expand
El estado de los bosques amazónicos está cerca de ser crítico
A study by scientists from the British University of Exeter claims that the state of the Amazon forests has been approached critically. The ecosystem is
Las olas de calor aumentarán la mortalidad
Researchers from the UK have found that a rise in air temperature caused by climate change will lead to a 1.5-fold increase in mortality. Scientists
Los grupos ambientalistas quieren interrumpir las refinerías de petróleo del Reino Unido
As part of their campaign to force the government to end reliance on fossil fuels, climate change protesters said they intended to block Britain’s major
Australia ha declarado el estado de emergencia
Australia has declared a national emergency in response to flooding along its east coast and has designated disaster zones in flattened cities. This was announced
El plan de emisiones de Canadá no estará listo para 2022
The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the oil and gas sector will not be ready until later this
Los incendios forestales en Florida obligaron a los residentes a evacuar
Constant winds over the Florida Panhandle on Monday sparked a series of wildfires that ignited in dead vegetation left over from the 2018 hurricane, forcing