Германия разрешит транспортировку и хранение углерода под землей
Germany will amend its carbon dioxide storage law to allow underwater carbon capture and storage in certain industrial sectors, as Europe’s largest economy aims to
Колумбия обещает поставить природу в центр глобальных экологических переговоров
Susana Muhamad, Colombia’s environment minister, who is expected to become president of Cop16, said the South American country will use the summit to ensure that
В китайском Синьцзяне произошло землетрясение магнитудой 5,8.
A 5.8-magnitude earthquake struck Akki county in northwest China’s Xinjiang region on Sunday, the China Earthquake Networks Centre reported. The quake struck at a depth
Правительство Тринидада подтвердило разлив мазута у побережья Тобаго
The Government of Trinidad and Tobago has confirmed that the refined product that leaked from a barge that struck a reef and capsized off the
Молодые активисты лоббируют закон Австралии о вреде климату
A group of young activists lobbied Australian lawmakers on Thursday for a bill that would require the government to consider how emissions-intensive projects could harm
Лавина в индийском Кашмире убила иностранного лыжника
At least one foreign skier was killed and several others trapped in an avalanche that hit Gulmarg, a popular ski destination in Indian Kashmir, on
Индонезия расследует последствия первого крупномасштабного торнадо
Indonesia was rocked by a tornado of a magnitude never before recorded in the country, injuring at least 33 people and damaging buildings. After the
Германия выделит до $3,8 млрд на будущий импорт зеленого водорода
Germany will allocate up to 3.53 billion euros ($3.8 billion) of public funds to buy green hydrogen and its derivatives between 2027 and 2036, the
Китайская столица закрывает автомагистрали из-за сильного снегопада
Authorities in Beijing closed some motorways on Wednesday after heavier-than-expected snowfall hit the Chinese capital, part of a cold snap that has gripped many parts
Компанию оштрафовали за масштабную утечку метана в Казахстане
The owners of a well linked to one of the largest methane leaks ever recorded will be fined more than 350 million tenge ($774,000; £614,000),