Китай установил рекорд по потреблению угля
In 2021, China set a ten-year record for energy and coal use. This is due to the recovery of the country’s economy after the COVID-19
Австралия эвакуирует десятки тысяч человек
Tens of thousands of Australians fled their homes and authorities evacuated a hospital on Wednesday as more heavy rain hit the east coast. Thirteen people
На орбиту запустили спутник для наблюдения за погодой и пожарами
An Atlas V rocket lifted off from Florida, carrying into orbit the next large satellite designed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to
Ураган Юнис унес жизни 16 человек в Европе
Approximately 16 people have died in countries across Europe that have been hit by Hurricane Eunice in the past two days. The hurricane proved to
Засуха в США оказалась рекордной почти за полвека
January was the driest in California since 1984. The lack of rain and snow led to a record drought in the United States in almost
Пожары на северо-востоке Аргентины вышли из-под контроля
Nearly 800,000 hectares of the province of Corrientes in northwestern Argentina have been devastated by forest fires. Due to the fires, 785,238 hectares of land
В Бразилии из-за наводнения погибли более 100 человек
In the Brazilian city of Petropolis, 104 people died as a result of landslides and floods caused by heavy rains. At least eight of the
Землетрясение магнитудой 6,8 произошло в Гватемале
Tremors with a power of 6.2 to 6.8 points, which occurred on Wednesday in Guatemala, led to casualties and damage to buildings. Authorities said the
Американским городам грозит наводнение
Sea levels in the United States will rise more in the next three decades than they have in the last hundred years. Because of this,